Postcard Holiday

Questions No One Asked (But I'll Answer Them Anyway)

Bios are hard, so I'll write mine in this format instead.

Drawing of a male journalist interviewing a female celebrity Weston Taylor, The Interview. Taken from Artvee.

Q1. What on earth is a "postcard holiday" and why do you call yourself that?

"Postcard holiday" is how I misheard a lyric (the real one is "postal holiday") from a song by my father's band (actually, he was in several over the years, but I digress). I've misheard a bunch of other lyrics, but I don't think they'd be as good as blog names. For example, when I first heard "Dancing Queen," I really thought ABBA was singing:

You can dance
You can die
Having the time of your life

And when I first heard "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing," I assumed the lyrics were:

'Cause even when I dream of you
The Swedish dream would never do

Q2. Who are you?


Q3. Aw, you're no fun. What's the point of writing a bio if you won't talk about yourself? At least tell us something.

All right, here's something: I'm from the Philippines. I was born and raised here, and so far, I've never left. Trust me, this bit of trivia will provide context for many (if not all) of my posts.

Q4. Why do you blog?

I want to expound on things I find interesting (or infuriating) without the problems of doing it on social media (for example, getting boxed into a character limit). Sharing stuff with family and friends is nice, but sometimes one needs to scream into the void and hope a like-minded stranger yells back, "Oh my God, you are so right!"

Q5. Why'd you choose Bear Blog?

I like the layouts. They're simple and clean. On the rest of social media, I feel like I'm stuck in a cramped apartment with screaming neighbors on all sides and a landlord who won't let me change anything except for my curtains. But here, I feel free to both customize my blog and focus on the important stuff: my words and those of others.

Q6. Could you share five songs from your Spotify likes?

Chosen with the help of a random number generator: